Sunday, March 2, 2014


I want to say that my tolerance for empathy is waning quickly. Since the initial blog Ms. Webber created about me occurred prior to this entries posting, Ms. Webber appears to have been in what I would call a manic state of obsession, posting daily, sometimes several times a day about me. It is challenging to feel stalked by someone, especially a stranger whom I am uncertain of their capabilities but I find myself thinking back to a teacher I had in grad school, Dr. G. 
Dr. G was a man in I'd say mid 50's.  He was very gentle in many ways but his passion for psychology grand and his experience extraordinary.  Dr. G taught psychopathology and during his year long class we'd cover all aspects of pathology particularly personality disorders. We were as novice students given firm instructions to never take on more than two patients with personality disorders at a time. None of us at the time of course understood what he meant. We were eager and young and the concepts invigorating. My school was smart, by the second year they got you into the room alone with patients and soon it became very clear why Dr. G gave such warnings. These people are exhausting, their coping methods defy reason and their methodology of approaching problems all for the means of avoiding feelings can be hard to handle if not flat out dangerous. In time I would see all to many cases where rage took over, sabotage got the best of patients and an unsettling evil took over what at once was a peaceful if not guarded relationship. 

I have had no personal interaction with Ms. Webber so her obsession even more disturbing.  Recently she wrote a response on one of my entries on this blog.  I obviously made a copy before deleting it but she was in no uncertain terms making a threat that someone how I've claimed copyright for something I hadn't written.  I have begun to question her sense of reality and concerned that she has taken this step of contacting me directly.  That is one step forward in stalking and online terrorism. Ive had to draw on experience and gain some outside consults to guide me. It's sounding like going to the police at this point is sadly my only choice. I know Webber has become obsessed with some online people before as I stated in the piece. The anger at these victims continues but have currently been replaced mostly by me. Without disclosing too much, I am aware through public court documents and other means that she has a history of some obsessive rage that led to her being accused of domestic dating abuse. That's violence and then some in the state this occurred. While I won't know for certain until I obtain the formal documents and speak with the police more thoroughly I am accepting now that a history of obsession leading to violence can mean that her obsession with me may equal the same and I am taking no chances. One loses tolerance quickly when one is potentially in danger or worse, their family might be. It's odd, I didn't take what she did so seriously prior. I tossed it off in many ways like Travis Alexander did when Jodi Arias began behaving in inappropriate ways. We all know his refusal to speak out or call the police didn't turn out so well and I am certainly choosing to learn from that tragedy. I wish that I had paid more notice and specifically took action to help others that I saw being bullied & harassed by Webber. I apologize and I feel badly. They must have felt as I do now, uncomfortable and vacillating between thinking this person is just crazy and wondering just how crazy. I'm imperfect like all of us, and fall down and lift myself up. I'd like to do better this year and live bolder with my eyes more open and my courage more accessible when it can actually do some good. I'm going to put aside all that clinical empathy that I was encouraged to have for people like this and do what needs to be done.
Ironically, in a very strange way she doesn't even realize it will be good for her too.

(All rights reserved. March 2, 2014)

All items within personal blog The Narcissism of Violence by Cheryl Prevor Psy.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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